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Guest blog – Hausbots: From stealth to site
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Guest blog – Hausbots:...

On 25th May 2017, HausBots - the wall-painting robot company - presented a keynote on '' at the BCF Annual Conference, which was held at Manchester's Science and Industry Museum...

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BCF blog – BCF Careers Hub set to showcase talent in our industry
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BCF blog – BCF...

Nearly one year ago, I wrote a proposal for the BCF Board suggesting we build our own digital ‘Careers Hub’, to promote opportunities in our industry and help recruit a..

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Press release – BCF launches apprenticeship service to upskill and recruit a new wave of talent for the coatings industry
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Press release – BCF...

The BCF has recently launched a purpose built apprenticeship service to meet the specific development and employment needs of paints, inks and wallcoverings companies. Intended as a single point solution..

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